Sunday, January 15, 2006

President and Squires Class

Held my first Board and General Meeting of LARA, as the incoming President. LARA is the Los Angeles Romance Authors, a local chapter of Romance Writers of America. It’s a great group and one I’m very proud to be involved with. I started an amazing online class with Susan and Harry Squires, on writing about the supernatural. It runs over several weeks, two classes a week and there is homework, lots of it. Have I bitten off more than I can chew? Registered for the Desert Rose conference in Scottsdale, Arizona, it will be held at the end of April, a nice spring treat.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Writing Update

Mailed the requested full manuscript, Wicca of Orange, to Canada to Harlequin’s SuperRomance line. Had received a request from Paula Eykelhof and Laura Hyde, at Reno, RWA Nationals, and sent off the three chapters and synopsis in late September. They were very timely and requested the full manuscript on December 28th. Emailed the editor who had not responded to my questions on the status of The Legend of Crying Girl Creek, which had gathered almost a year’s dust, or been tossed out, or lost, and withdrew it. It will find it a home elsewhere. I began the first re-write of The Good Luck Penny.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year

Recovered from a New Year’s Eve party, which I hosted for thirty-five people at my new desert home. Karaoke and champagne? Oy. Maybe the champagne was behind this idea of reinventing Roben?